Monday, 5 July 2021

Last session of Taekwondo

Hello Followers, 

This our last session of taekwondo and we also learned some things. The best one that i enjoyed was the last one that we did because we get to break the board with our feet.We all got turns and the green board  was so hard but the white and yellow was so easy to break . I also The colour of the board was White ,Green , Yellow, Blue, and Black . I also enjoyed that when we got pool noodles and hit people softly but  some people were hitting hard and it was really mean and we had to stop because they were hitting hard. Also we did some kicking and punches and it was really fun. We have on Fridays and maybe after lunch or morning tea. Me and my friends and other kids really enjoyed taekwondo . I learned how to kick punch and break things with our feet.  I really miss having fun at taekwondo. 

Here is the photo of some one kicking.


  1. Kia ora Besi. thanks for sharing this information about taekwondo. I like how you shared your favourite aspects of the sport. Maybe you could make some of the key words in your description bold or a different colour to really make them stand out?

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